Wisdom, Peace, Joy & Strength

Daily Bible Study

This Bible Study is a 31 Day format

to aide in your spiritual growth and maturity.

Follow it, if you are serious about knowing God

more and more intimately, each and every day.

Start in Proverbs to find God's Wisdom,

Move to Psalms to find God's Peace;

Go to the New Testament where God's Joy is found,

and Enter into the Old testament to find God's Strength.

It is like four different food groups,

that provide a balanced diet for your body's health.


Reading the bible is like eating.

It is spiritual food to be consumed daily,

each and every day, for the rest of your life.

It is not just a book of intellectual information,

it is food for your spirit as well !

If your bible is collecting dust and not being consumed daily,

you are


This Bible Study known as :

Wisdom, Peace, Joy & Strength


are serious about knowing God more fully.

Understand the pattern of study,

and follow it each and every day for the rest of your life.

You are now be responsible for

the Growth and Maturity of YOUR SPIRIT.

Let us start with a few basics.

If you are serious about wanting to grow and mature spiritually,

consider this website as your personal trainer.

1) A Personal Trainer DOES NOT do the work out for you.

2) A Personal Trainer shows you what to do, and how to do it.

3) YOU are the one doing the work out, getting into better shape.

The first thing to consider is

how much of what you have belongs to God.

If you have said everything, all that I have belongs to God;

then ask yourself: "What does the Bible say

about how much should be given back to him?"

Proverbs 3:9 Honour the Lord with thy substance,

and with the firstfruits of all thine increase:

Malachi 3:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse,

that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith,

saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open

the windows of heaven, and pour out a blessing,

that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

What is a tithe. It is simply 10% of what God has given us.

You will need to determine what 10%

of everything you have been given by God is.

Is it 10% of each and every day?

( Approximately 2 1/2 Hours. )

Is it 10% of the meals that you eat each month?

( Approximately 9 meals )

Is that 10% of the money that you earn?

( Gross or Net times .10 )

You will have to determine for yourself

what 10% should be applied to.

God will bless your giving

and multiply it back to you as you have given it to him.

Matthew 10:8 ends like this " freely ye have received, freely give."

Your giving is not between you and the IRS,

or between you and your church,

or even between you and any other person.

Your giving is between you and God alone.

Let him show you what he wants you to give and how.

May your giving be a tithe of the firstfruits of all of your increase.

Understand also that anything we give beyond a tithe, he considers an offering.

God gives us each 24 Hours in a day.

May the first thing you do

each and every day be to spend time alone with Him.

Some should spend it in prayer, others by reading in their Bible.

Still others will do both reading and prayer.

Find what he wants and follow him in all that you do.

May the first thing you do each day,

( Proverbs 8:17 "I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me." )

and the last thing you do every day,

be to spend time alone with God.

Read what you are comfortable reading in a day.

This is not a race, nor will there be a comprehension test every day.

As you read the same text on a different day,

you may find something that you never saw before.

That is a natural experience, and one many people have had,

kind of like a runners high, only you have to be a runner, to have experience it.

The pattern to follow is simply to Read in Four places of your Bible Daily.

A good idea is to do the first 3 in the morning to start your day,

and the last 2 in the evening to end your day.

Consider yourself an empty sponge. Empty and able to soak up more of God in the mornings.

End your day with God, make some alone time, and see how much better you sleep at night.

Follow This Pattern and See how God will use it in your life.

1) Proverbs ( Use the day of the month as the chapter number. ) 1 - 31

2) Psalms ( again use the day of the month but add 30 to that and continue

until there are no more chapter numbers in Psalms. ) 1-150

For example the 1st day would be 1,31,61,91,121; and

the 25th day would be 25, 55, 85, 115, 145

3) New Testament this will be as you feel lead, or just by

following the order that the books and chapters are in.

4) Old Testament, again this is as you feel lead, or by

following the order the books and chapters are in.

Different denominations teach different things about the Trinity.

( Father, Son & Holy Spirit )

May this be a challenge to have a conversation with the Holy Spirit,

asking him to help you learn and grow.

John 14:26 says" But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost,

whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things,

and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."

Allow him to be your teacher, as Jesus said he should be.

John 21:25 says " And there are also many other things which Jesus did,

the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself

could not contain the books that should be written. A-men'."

This verse suggests that we have a lot to learn from the Holy Spirit.